Sunday 30 April 2017

Identifying Signs Of Alcoholism

Moon Swings

Alcoholism is a serious disease that affects millions of people from all walks of life. The dangers of alcohol addiction are many, and when a person is dependent on alcohol, they often find that many aspects of their life have been destroyed or damaged by this condition.Because of the fact that alcohol use is so common, it can be somewhat difficult to surmise whether a loved one is in fact suffering from alcoholism. Here are a few signs and indications that a person is indeed struggling with alcoholism.

Mood Swings

Like many drugs, the use and withdrawal from alcohol can trigger serious changes in a person’s mood. If your loved one is suddenly displaying signs of a temper, or exhibiting signs of severe sadness without explanation, this could be attributed to alcohol. Alcoholism and depression are often correlated in a number of ways.

Many people who suffer from depression may be at a higher risk for drinking heavily, and those who are addicted to alcohol are at a higher risk for being depressed. Severe drinking takes a major toll on the functioning of the brain and, in addition to impacting things like short term memory and cognitive skills, heavy drinking lowers serotonin levels and makes it much more difficult for the brain to maintain healthy and balanced levels of happiness and stability.

Blacking Out

If a person regularly drinks to the point that they black out, this is a strong indicator that they are frequently binge drinking and may very well have a problem with alcohol. Blacking out happens when a person consumes much more than what is a safe or moderate amount of alcohol.

Sometimes, a person who knows that they have a problem may not be vocal about the fact that they have blacked out. They may, however, frequently be confused about conversations they do not remember happening or repeat information multiple times to the same person.

Inability to Stop Drinking

One of the biggest things that separates moderate drinking from addictive drinking is the ability to stop drinking. A person who is addicted to alcohol may often continue to drink when those around them have stopped drinking, or may leave a situation to go find and consume more alcohol after a party or event has ended. An alcoholic will consider drinking even if they are already very intoxicated, and generally once they start to drink, will continue to consume alcohol as long as they can.

Defensive Behavior Around Drinking

When a person is addicted to any drug, they are often in denial to themselves and those around them about the severity of their problem. One reason for this is that once a person has become addicted to a substance, their brain becomes hardwired so that they are completely fixated on finding and continuing to use this substance. Denial is one mechanism that the brain uses to attempt to continue to drink. For this reason, many people who are in fact struggling with alcoholism will become angry when confronted about their drinking.

Lying About the Amount of Alcohol Consumed

Another form of denial includes deceiving one’s self and those around them about the amount of alcohol they are consuming. People who are suffering from alcoholism may claim that they have not had anything to drink at all or make false statements about the amount of alcohol they have consumed.

Alcoholics may also lie about things related to their drinking, like where they spend their time and money and whose company they are keeping. Holes in logic or inconsistent stories are very common among those struggling with alcoholism.

photo credit: Josh (broma) via photopin cc

The post Identifying Signs Of Alcoholism appeared first on The Gooden Center.


Thursday 27 April 2017

Guide to Anxiety Treatment

Any time a person experiences stress or hardship they may feel some sort of anxiety that eventually passes. Anxiety can be a completely normal response to certain stressors that occur in day to day life. However, someone with an anxiety disorder may spend several hours every day worrying about issues that are not immediately affecting them. What makes an anxiety disorder different from normal anxiety is that the feelings of fear, worry and stress are not temporary but become a constant problem. Often for people with some type of anxiety disorder their feelings do not go away and actually become much worse over time if they do not seek treatment. When anxiety begins to interfere with job performance, school work, relationships or other daily activities then it is important to get professional help. The way a person experiences anxiety can differ greatly among individuals so specialized treatment is the best choice to help manage a disorder.

Common Symptoms of Anxiety

Common Symptoms of Anxiety

Most people are familiar with what anxiety feels like but the specific symptoms may vary for everyone. When you experience stress your body often activates some of its fight or flight responses which are biological protective reactions to keep you on high alert. Some people may have tense muscles, nervousness or restlessness, a faster heart rate, rapid and shallow breathing, trembling, weakness and difficulty focusing on anything other than their worries. More mild anxiety may involve only a few of these symptoms and they will only last a short period of time. Someone with a disorder may have multiple symptoms occurring regularly. Someone with very severe anxiety could have panic attacks where they experience very intense physical symptoms such as sweating, a sensation of choking, chest pains, difficulty breathing, numbness, or dizziness. Frequent recurring panic attacks could indicate that an individual has panic disorder, a form of anxiety that often requires medication and treatment.

Different Types of Anxiety

The symptoms that a person exhibits along with the kinds of triggers that cause their anxiety can help to categorize their disorder. There are a few different types of anxiety disorders that are commonly diagnosed and treated. One of the most common is generalized anxiety disorder or GAD which means that a person feels anxious most of the time and not just in specific stressful situations. People with GAD have intense and persistent worries that can begin to interfere with their ability to function in life. Another common disorder is social phobia or social anxiety which means that an individual only feels anxious in specific situations involving other people. They might have an intense fear of being judged, criticized or humiliated in social situations such as performances or speeches, conversation with strangers, or eating in front of others. Other kinds of anxiety include obsessive compulsive disorder which can lead to ritualistic behaviors to minimize fear, and post-traumatic stress disorder which occurs after a traumatic event such as a war, accident or disaster.

General Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

People who have anxious feelings most of the time rather than reacting to specific triggers are more likely to have generalized anxiety disorder. Someone with GAD will have symptoms of anxiety more days than not for a period of six months or more. People with general anxiety may also have some symptoms of social phobia, depression or other disorders along with excessive worrying. The main issues that characterize generalized anxiety disorder are feeling worried about a number of events and activities, finding it hard to stop worrying and having anxiety that makes it difficult to complete daily activities. People with this disorder may feel restless or on edge, have trouble concentrating, feel irritable most days, have trouble falling or staying asleep and have frequent muscle tension such as a sore back or jaw. Aside from physical symptoms, general anxiety disorder overall leads people to have uncontrollable worries and fears that never fully subside.  

Other Symptoms of Anxiety DisorderAnxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorders that have specific triggers may involve some different symptoms than general anxiety. With social phobia, a person may have reactions to social situations that indicate they are experiencing intense anxiety such as excessive perspiration, trembling, blushing or stammering when they speak as well as nausea or diarrhea. Someone with social anxiety will likely only feel these physical symptoms when they are in a situation where they fear being judged by others. People with this type of disorder often find ways to avoid triggers or leave a situation as soon as they can when they are anxious. Obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD has some unique symptoms which occur as a reaction to obsessive recurring thoughts. People with OCD may develop rituals or compulsive behaviors as a way to reduce the stress of their recurring anxious thoughts such as excessive cleaning, obsessing over order and symmetry, repeatedly counting items or checking things.

How to Prevent Anxiety Attacks

People with an anxiety disorder may have periods of intense symptoms that appear suddenly in the form of a panic or anxiety attack. These attacks can often occur at any time or any place but most people can feel when they are about to happen. Although it may seem inevitable that the attack will take place, there are some strategies you can use when you feel the onset of an anxiety attack. When you start to feel some of the physical symptoms such as your heartrate increasing you can try to find a distraction that will help take your mind off of the anxiety. Find something that will help you get out of your head such as calling a friend, talking to somebody about your feelings, focusing on other thoughts or doing mental exercises such as math problems or creating a story. Another technique that can be very helpful in preventing an anxiety attack is slow, deep breathing which naturally helps relax the body. Rapid breathing is actually the cause of many anxiety symptoms so deep breathing is one of the best ways to fight off an attack.

How to Deal with Anxiety Attacks

If you are in a situation where your anxiety is too intense and these techniques are not working to fight off an attack then you will need to have some strategies to make it through until it subsides. There are some other techniques you can use to help ground yourself or feel calmer in the midst of an attack. You can try to listDeal with Anxiety Attacks five things you see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell and one thing you can taste. This strategy helps you focus on your surroundings and be more present so that your thoughts and physical reactions will stop spiraling out of control.  Focusing on your senses and taking note of what is happening in your body can also help get you more in tune with the present. Make sure to keep telling yourself that the symptoms you feel are temporary and they will soon pass.

When to Get Anxiety Attack Treatment

If you find that these strategies are not effective for you or you have anxiety attacks very frequently without being able to prevent them then it may be time to seek treatment. It can be very difficult for someone with very severe anxiety to handle their symptoms without any professional help. If anxiety attacks are beginning to affect your physical health because of the extreme stress and your body’s reaction to your fear then treatment can help improve your well-being. Anxiety attacks might also cause you to miss days at work or school, or affect your ability complete tasks. When your anxiety interferes with relationships, treatment can help you improve communication and other issues that are affecting your connection to friends, partners or family. If your anxiety attacks cause you to self-medicate using drugs or alcohol then it is important to get treatment as an addiction will only make your symptoms much worse.

Medicine for Anxiety

The most intense symptoms of anxiety such as panic attacks can be treated with helpful medications. Patients are sometimes given benzodiazepines such as valium or Xanax to be used sparingly only when very severe symptoms occur. Medication taken regularly such as antidepressants including Zoloft or Prozac can minimize day to day anxiety which can also prevent panic attacks from happening. Antidepressants are used as a long-term solution while benzodiazepines are only recommended for short term use because they can become addictive. Each type of medication will have certain side effects so the patient will have to determine which prescription works best to treat their symptoms with minimal reactions. Benzodiazepines can cause side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, memory problems, headaches and blurred vision. Antidepressants can sometimes lead to fatigue, nausea, weight gain, insomnia and diarrhea. Patients and doctors can work together to find the right medication that works for them mentally and physically.

PTSDCognitive Therapy for Anxiety

Although medication can be a quick fix for symptoms and help people deal with panic attacks, it does not address the underlying causes of anxiety. Therapy is necessary to treat anxiety because it can help patients understand why they have this problem and it also allows them to develop coping methods and problem solving skills. Many types of anxiety, particularly disorders like PTSD, are caused by certain events which triggered the onset of symptoms. Talking about trauma and some of the root causes of certain negative beliefs gives patients a chance to resolve their complicated feelings. Therapists also help show patients how many of their fears are unfounded or exaggerated. When they understand that their anxieties are not based on reality then it can help diminish their power. The ultimate goal of cognitive therapy is to change the way that a patient thinks so that they can replace negative beliefs with more positive ones.  

Enrolling in Anxiety Treatment Centers

For anyone who feels their anxiety is beyond their control and they need some time away to recover, there are plenty of treatment centers available for help. Entering a residential treatment facility can be a very healing and life-changing experience because it gives people a period of time to really focus on resolving their issues. Living in a facility while receiving treatment means you will be surrounded by mental health experts that are there to provide you with assistance and compassion. You will also be among other people who also suffer from an anxiety disorder so that you can talk to peers who truly understand what you are going through. Treatment centers set up a full schedule for patients so that they have plenty of time for individual and group therapy sessions, classes and activities all designed to help them manage their anxiety. This type of treatment plan creates more successful results for each patient.

Outpatient Treatment for Anxiety

Living in a residential treatment center may not be right for everyone and some people may prefer to stay home while getting help. Outpatient treatment can still be as effective as living in a facility because it involves many of the same programs and therapy sessions created for patients with anxiety disorder. Through outpatient treatment you can continue to work or care for your family as you get the help you need to start managing your symptoms and reducing the severity or frequency of anxiety attacks.  It may be a good idea to get an assessment from a psychiatrist to determine if outpatient treatment is the right choice for you.

The Benefits of Anxiety Treatment

Some people may feel like they have to live with their anxiety and simply cope with this aspect of their personality. The reality is that anxiety is an illness that is treatable and many people can recover from the anxiety disorder. Cognitive therapy, medication and time spent in a treatment center can all work to minimize anxiety so that patients can continue to work, go to school and have fulfilling relationships without their symptoms interfering. Eventually people who receive treatment will find that their worrying and suffering diminishes over time and they are able to face their fears more often. Getting professional treatment is the best thing you can do to handle your anxiety.

The post Guide to Anxiety Treatment appeared first on The Gooden Center.


Tuesday 25 April 2017

The Pivotal Role Family Takes In Recovery

The Pivotal Role Family Takes

Recovering from alcohol is a challenging process that takes all of an addict’s strength and resolve. The reality of recovery is that no addict can successfully achieve sobriety unless they have made the choice for themselves to get clean, but having a strong family support system in place is a truly invaluable asset for any recovering addict.

Addicts with a loving family supporting them are mud more likely to successfully maintain their sobriety than those who do not have a family that they are close to. There are many reasons why family plays such an integral role in an addict’s recovery.

Boosting Sense of Self Worth

One thing that many addicts have in common is a low self image. Many people with low self esteem are at a higher risk for using. Many people who struggle with addiction also see that their self image wanes as they fall deeper and deeper into addiction. When a person is struggling with addiction they often engage in behavior that is not typical for them.

This may include acts that make them feel guilt and anger toward themselves. This is because when a person is addicted to a substance, their brain’s reward system becomes wired to become completely consumed with finding and using more of a substance. As this happens, an addict will begin to place using over the people and things that they hold dear.

When an addict is in recovery, they may begin to feel guilt and experience low self image because of this. These feelings can make recovery more difficult because an addict must believe that he deserves to be happy in order to get better. Having a family who loves him helps reinforce this belief and encourages an addict to seek the help they need.

A Positive Support System  

When a person is using, they often lose touch with people in their lives who would otherwise be a good influence on them. People who are addicted to drugs generally socialize with other people who are addicted to drugs, and when an addict is recovering, they should generally avoid the company of those who may trigger them to use.

It can be very difficult for recovering addicts to find the emotional support they need when they are newly recovered, and a healthy and supportive family can offer important emotional support as well as the company of people who will encourage them to maintain their sobriety.

Family Can Encourage and Addict in Difficult Times

The reality of recovery is that there will be many challenges through out every stage of getting sober. Achieving and maintaining sobriety means coming to terms with a number of difficult emotions and thoughts. It also means facing triggers that an addict once met with using and learning to work through them without using drugs or alcohol.

There will be moments when an addict needs someone to listen or someone who can help be there for them emotionally as they work through these struggles.

Family can be the friend and the support that an addict needs. Twelve step programs and therapists certainly have their own function in an addict’s recovery, but the fact that an addict’s family has known them for so long puts them in a position where they can offer a kind of support that is unique and cannot be found anywhere else.

Family offers unconditional love and can help a recovering addict to realize that they do have what it takes to continue working on their sobriety and taking the challenging but necessary steps to stay healthy and drug free for the rest of their lives.

photo credit: Fabiana Zonca via photopin cc

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Dealing With Loss In Recovery

Dealing With Loss In Recovery

Recovery is a time of renewal and healing. When a person is addicted to drugs or alcohol, their life often has become out of order, and most recovering addicts must face some kind of loss while they are in recovery. The reality of addiction is that it places an addict in a position where there are a number of harmful decisions made.

This is because the nature of addiction is that an addict begins to place more import on finding and using drugs or alcohol than on any other aspect of their life. Because of this, very important relationships or life functions may be damaged. It is very important to deal with loss and the many forms it can take while in recovery. Dealing with loss is an integral part of healing to the point that sobriety and serenity can be found.

Grief and Processing Emotion

Part of experiencing any loss is coming to terms with the emotions that surround it. When an addict is using, they generally become accustomed to dealing with emotions by using drugs, alcohol, or other addictive behaviors to numb them.

Once the recovery process begins, however, an addict begins to experience the full sensations associated with his emotions. In the case of loss, often a person who is newly sober will experience intense grief or sadness. It is important that a recovering addict allows himself to fully process this sadness for a number of reasons.

Dealing with these issues head on allows an addict to get to the root of the loss they have experienced and to thus give themselves the ability to move on rather than numbing feelings of grief with drugs or alcohol.

Learning to deal with grief by working through the feelings around it also allows a newly recovered addict to strengthen the skill of dealing with emotions in a healthy way.

Moving Forward With Strength

Loss is one of the most difficult life events to work through. Loss of a relationship, loss of a loved one, and loss of a job are all serious life events that take proper work and support to work through.

It is very important that in the aftermath of a serious loss, a person has the tools they need to move forward and to rebuild their life in a healthy way. This is why it is so important to deal with loss in the context of recovery. 

In recovery, a recovering addict has access to the counselors and therapists who can help an addict start to recognize old unhealthy behaviors and to start to set up new behaviors that will serve them well in their new healthy life.

While loss is an incredibly difficult thing to process, it also represents a new start and a new way of viewing things and of behaving in general. It is important that a recovering addict has the support they need to ensure that they will be able to continue to grow, even in the face of feelings like anger, sadness, or guilt.

Finding ClarityFinding Clarity

As a recovering addict begins to pay more attention to their emotions, they are also able to recognize why they feel a certain way and what they could possibly to do deal with emotions in a safer or healthier way. Like any other skill, the process of becoming more emotionally aware takes discipline and focus.

It also requires commitment and a strong desire to find a healthy and happy life. In time, it is possible for even the deepest and most severe wounds to heal. In recovery, an addict can find peace, strength, and closure.

photo credit: eflon via photopin cc

The post Dealing With Loss In Recovery appeared first on The Gooden Center.


Friday 21 April 2017

5 Reasons to Stay Open-Minded Early On


5 Reasons to Keep an Open Mind in Early Recovery

Open-mindedness means being receptive to new ideas and different ways of seeing the world. It is rooted in humility and wisdom, and in awareness that you don’t have all the answers and so must be receptive to learning from others. In recovery, being open minded is an absolutely essential mental state that can make a huge difference in your ability to succeed.

 A common expression among addicts in recovery is “My best thinking got me here.” By that they mean, believing that you had all the answers and do not need anyone else’s help leads directly to falling into the traps of addicted behavior. To undergo the radical change from addiction to recovery, you’ve got to posses the open-mindedness to try to think in new ways.  

1. Being open-minded is an act of surrendering control, and surrendering control is the first step towards recovery

Opening up your mind means you are free from having to control your every thought. New ideas, experiences, and perspectives are brought in, and old ideas are challenged.  Under the throws of addiction, it’s easy to get caught up in the thoughts of your own head.

You may realize that your addiction is very harmful and beyond your control, but you have biases and mental roadblocks preventing you from taking the step towards recovery.  Open-mindedness allows you to escape these mental traps, by learning how to hold on to your thoughts more loosely and freely.   

2. Addiction distorts your thinking, and so you need to think in new ways.

Addiction is built upon harmful mental blocks of denial, or not realizing you have a problem or thinking you can control it, and obsession, where your perspective disappears and the only thing that matters to you is finding your next fix.

These two distorted ways of thinking trap you into continuing with addictive patterns, and you need an outside perspective to recognize and challenge when you are falling into these patterns. The perspective of someone else can help you realize that is it possible to go one day without your drug, and can help you see how you deeply you are failing to keep your life under control.  It is only by being open-minded that you are able to listen to the outsider.  

3. It is only by being totally present to discovering the truth that you are able to have a successful recovery

Yet it’s not enough to always be dependent on other people to tell you the truth about yourself. The most important part of recovery is learning how to change your own thinking, and to raise your self-awareness to see past your own self-deception.

Open-mindedness goes beyond simply listening to other people, but it also means having the willingness to reexamine your own thoughts and challenge yourself to think differently.  This is an important step to make, because it is only by making your recovery your own that it will truly stick.  

4. Some things about recovery may be hard to grasp or practice at first, but are ultimately the key to your survival.

You are not alone in facing the powerful dragon of your addiction.  You are part of a large community of people who have struggled, and discovered certain things that work in building a successful recovery.  A lot of what you hear from other people might not make that much intuitive sense at first, particularly if your brain is distorted by addictive habits.  

By being open-minded, you open yourself up to a someone else’s experiences, and allow their story to teach you.  Simply going off your own ideas will not be as effective as learning from other people who might have had to learn things the hard way.  

5. A Personalized and Flexible Program 

Yet at the same time, everyone’s story is different.  What is incredibly effective for one person may not resonate with you as much.  That is why there is such a variety of programs, theories, and ideas about recovery out there. No one’s path to wholeness and recovery is exactly the same, and so you need to be open to things from a variety of sources, open to seeing whatever will work.  

photo credit: Kyle Richner via Unsplash

The post 5 Reasons to Stay Open-Minded Early On appeared first on The Gooden Center.


Monday 17 April 2017

Guide to Depression Treatment

Everyone experiences ups and downs in their life but for people with severe clinical depression, emotions can take control and interfere with their ability to function. Depression causes people to struggle with day to day activities and can lead to problems in relationships because their feelings of sadness and hopelessness are so persistent. Millions of people around the world suffer from depression but unfortunately many individuals live with this problem without ever seeking treatment. In the U.S., only about half of Americans with depression receive treatment and only a fifth receive treatment according to current practice guidelines. Clinical depression is a complex disorder that often requires psychotherapy, medication and in some cases residential inpatient treatment. With the right kind of care some of the symptoms of depression can be reduced to become more manageable and eventually many people are able to experience long term remission.

What are the Symptoms of Depression?

What are the Symptoms of Depression?Some people may experience all the symptoms of depression without even realizing that they have a mental illness. There may be a lot of misconceptions and myths about depression but it is a real illness that requires treatment.  It is important to recognize and understand the signs of depression so that you can identify this disorder in yourself or someone else who seems to be suffering. Someone of the more common symptoms of depression include feelings of sadness, hopelessness and anxiety which are persistent and don’t ease with time. Physically people with depression will usually have low energy levels and an unusual sleeping pattern such as sleeping too much or too little. They might also suddenly lose or gain weight because of changes in their appetite. Depression causes people to lose interest in activities they used to enjoy as they become more withdrawn and isolated. In more severe cases of depression a person may consider or even attempt suicide.

Different Types of Depression

Although there are certain key symptoms that might indicate a problem with depression, everyone experiences the illness differently. There are a few categories and types of depression that people fall into based on their specific symptoms. The most common is major depression which involves severe symptoms that interfere with a person’s ability to work sleep, eat and enjoy life. Major depression can occur with only one episode in a person’s lifetime but most people have several episodes. Persistent depressive disorder is a depressed mood that lasts for at least two years. Other types of depression include psychotic depression which includes symptoms such as delusions or false beliefs and hallucinations, postpartum depression which occurs in the period of time after a woman gives birth and seasonal affective disorder which involves symptoms of depression only in the winter months. Most people experience symptoms of depression when they have bipolar disorder, however this illness is different from depression because it also involves symptoms of mania.

Understanding Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder

In order for someone to be diagnosed with an illness like major depression they will have more than just a brief low point in their life. Everyone might feel low from time to time but people with major depression have a depressed mood most of the day, especially in the morning and other symptoms that last from a few weeks up to several months. People with major depression often have different episodes that vary in their severity and length. Certain events or periods of their life could trigger a depressive episode which make them feel persistently sad and hopeless without much relief. People with major depression often have feelings of worthlessness and a lot of negative beliefs about themselves that are difficult to get rid of. Many people have certain risk factors for developing depression such as a genetic predisposition or traumatic experiences in their youth which trigger the development of symptoms.

Recognizing Signs of Manic DepressionManic Depression

There are plenty of cases where someone might mistakenly believe they have major depression but in reality they are suffering from bipolar disorder or manic depression. This is because a depressive episode in someone with bipolar disorder has essentially the same symptoms of major depression. The main difference between the two issues is that a depressive episode is eventually followed by a period of mania in someone with bipolar disorder. Some of the signs of manic depression include a person seeming unusually happy or energetic, sleeping very little and having rapid speech or racing thoughts. An episode of mania can cause a person to behave recklessly or impulsively and they might also suffer from delusional beliefs or hallucinate, seeing or hearing things that are not there. People with manic depression might go through a period of being overly energetic for weeks or even months until they experience a depressive episode and their behavior takes a dramatic shift as they exhibit typical depression symptoms.

How to Fight Depression

People who suffer from depression often have a hard time seeing that their symptoms are simply part of an illness and they can take actions to feel better. In order to fight depression you need to take steps to being healthier in mind, body and spirit. One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to talk with a therapist about your feelings so that they can ease some of the stress and provide you some insight into what you are experiencing. A therapist can have the ability to help you see that most of your negative beliefs about yourself or your life are completely untrue. Taking care of your body can actually have a great impact on depression as well because lack of sleep, poor nutrition or too little exercise can contribute to a depressed mood. Getting the right nutrients, sleeping eight hours a night and exercising several days a week can all quickly elevate your mood.

When to Get Help with Depression

People with less severe symptoms can sometimes improve depression on their own while others might need to get treatment from a facility specializing in mental health. There are certain points when you might realize that your depression has become more than you can handle on your own and you need to get help. If you have been persistently experiencing symptoms for more than a few weeks or even months without any relief then it might be a good idea to get professional assistance in recovering. One of the biggest issues that require people to get help is when their depression gets so severe that they are performing poorly at work or school and are unable to complete important tasks because of the way that they feel. You might also notice that your physical health is declining, you have very little energy or you tend to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol in a way that exacerbates your symptoms.

Looking for Depression Treatment Options

There are plenty of resources available to help you get the treatment you need to minimize your symptoms of depression so that you can live a happier and more productive life. If you think you might have clinical depression then the first step is to be evaluated by a doctor who can give you a diagnosis so that you know what type of depression you have and how severe your symptoms are. A psychiatrist can recommend treatment options for you based on the type and level of your depression for a more effective recovery. Those on the more severe end of the spectrum can look for a local treatment center to enroll in a residential program. Inpatient treatment gives people with depression the opportunity to live and connect with other people suffering from the same problems while also being surrounded by a team of psychologists. People with milder symptoms can find an affordable therapist that they can attend regularly while still living at home.     The Benefits of Depression Counseling

The Benefits of Depression Counseling

Whether you choose to attend a residential treatment center, receive outpatient treatment or pay for regular therapy through a private practice then counseling will be a major component in recovery. Counseling is a way to talk through some of the feelings that build up and contribute to a depressed mood. For people with depression who tend to become withdrawn from friends and family, it may feel easier to talk to someone outside their inner circle about what they are going through. Counselors are there to listen and don’t offer much information about themselves which makes it easier for people to start discussing personal problems without feeling selfish or dramatic. In counseling, people with depression can start figuring out their own feelings and identifying the cause of their emotions rather than being overwhelmed by sadness. Your counselor is also there to help guide you so that you can start to resolve your own problems and be more active in fighting symptoms of depression.

Types of Therapy for Depression

Although any treatment that focuses on relieving symptoms can be helpful, there are different options as far as the type of therapy used for depression. Every individual might respond better to one type of therapy over another and professionals can help you determine the best fit for you. The most common types of therapy for depression include cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal and psychodynamic therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a method that allows patients to alter their negative thinking and beliefs so that they can begin to be more positive about themselves and their outlook on life. Interpersonal therapy focuses more on a patient’s relationships with others and if they are problematic or disturbed in way that exacerbates their depression. Psychodynamic therapy allows patients to understand their psychological conflict in the context of their childhood. Patients can talk about past trauma, painful memories or aspects of their upbringing that may have caused symptoms of depression to develop.

Major Depression Treatment and Antidepressants

It is very common for people in the early phases of treatment to rely on medication as a way to make their symptoms more manageable so that they can be more successful in their therapy sessions or treatment program. There are a myriad of different kinds of prescription drugs that are used to treat depression and only a qualified psychiatrist can help you determine the right choice of medication and the correct dosage. Choosing an antidepressant means weighing the severity of your symptoms, the side effects that you experience from the drug and how it might interact with any other medications you are taking. There are many different types of antidepressants but the most commonly used are SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) such as Prozac, Zoloft and Lexapro or NDRIs (norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors) like Wellbutrin. Some people choose to wean themselves off of their medication after treatment and others may need to continue using antidepressants for some time.

Meditation for Depression Treatment

Many depression treatment facilities offer a varied schedule that includes a number of supplemental therapies that are helpful in reducing depressioMeditation for Depression Treatmentn. Mindfulness meditation can be a very useful part of an effective treatment plan because it minimizes stress and teaches people to distance themselves from the negative thoughts that characterize their illness. Meditation and especially mindfulness have very positive effects on the brain as they increase awareness over time. People with depression tend to overthink and get swept away by negative or pessimistic thoughts. Meditation helps you become more aware of those thoughts and separate them from yourself so that you can let go of them instead of holding on to negative beliefs. As part of a holistic treatment plan, meditation is a good alternative therapy to include along with traditional psychotherapy.

Learning Coping Strategies in Depression Treatment Centers

For those that choose to enroll in a treatment program, one of the important things to keep in mind is that you will need to eventually be able to cope with symptoms on your own. After you leave a treatment center it can be a difficult transition to live at home without a team of professional staff around all the time to help you. That is why you must learn and remember to use coping strategies throughout your stay in treatment. Once you get used to using certain techniques and methods for handling depression symptoms then you can be prepared to manage any problems that come up once you leave treatment. If you practice everything you learn in treatment then you can live a more balanced and happier life.  

The post Guide to Depression Treatment appeared first on The Gooden Center.


Sunday 16 April 2017

Inpatient and Outpatient Rehab

For those who need to seek out the services of a rehab in the Los Angeles area, they are in luck because Los Angeles is the home to some of the best drug, alcohol  and mental health facilities in the world. The Gooden Center offers services to individuals who may need assistance breaking free from drug and or alcohol addiction. Gooden Center’s rehab facilities are second to none.

For any of those struggling to understand their addiction, they no longer have to go searching for answers – seeking treatment is the first step on the road to recovery. Understanding more about alcoholism and addiction will provide the proper motivation to continue to get better.

Inpatient or Outpatient Services

Many different facilities offer both inpatient and outpatient rehab services. Depending on how severe ones addiction problems may be will more than likely help determine which treatment program will be best suited for their recovery. More often than not, people who have suffered from addiction issues may also have long-term mental health instabilities as well since they turned to the drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism. There is no right and wrong answers when it comes to understanding addiction and there are many different types of approached to help lead people to the path of recovery.

Choose a Facility That Is ComfortableChoose a Facility That Is Comfortable

It is important to find a rehab where an individual feels comfortable being themselves and they do not have to act like they are something they are not. When a person is comfortable, they are more apt to open up about the real underlying issues. An inpatient or residential rehab is a great place for people to strictly focus on their own recovery.

It eliminates stressors and negative influences that are sometimes hard to avoid out in ‘the real world.’ In rehab, people learn how to properly protect themselves and guard themselves against such influences, without being brought down into a deep and dark negative place.

Many people around the world struggle with drug and alcohol abuse issues and it takes a courageous person to admit that they have a problem and do something about it. Not all people are successful because they are not properly surrounded by the right type of nurturing and healing environment that is needed to help pull people from the depths of addiction.

The post Inpatient and Outpatient Rehab appeared first on The Gooden Center.


Wednesday 12 April 2017

What Sets Gooden Center Apart

There are plenty of drug treatment centers in Los Angeles that provide help for addiction and many of them have such similar programs that it can often be hard to tell them apart. Among the many treatment centers available Gooden Center stands out for its quality service because we offer effective addiction recovery programs for our many satisfied clients. In addition to our team of trained and efficient experts there are three things that our clients say attracted them too choosing Gooden as their treatment program.


Gooden Center’s history runs all the way back to 1962 when it was founded by Bishop Robert Burton Gooden and several members of Alcoholics Anonymous. The founders of Gooden Center saw the challenges that many men went through in rehabilitation programs. Men dealing with drug addiction wanted to focus on getting better but, at the same time, they needed a safe and compassionate place for their recovery. While Alcoholics Anonymous provided an appropriate venue for support and connection, it was still not ideal for long-term rehabilitation. The Bishop Gooden Home was established as a place for people with addictions to live in a facility while in the process of recovery. It was among the first drug treatment centers in Los Angeles. Gooden Center also has a new mental health treatment program that offers an array of approaches including Dialectal Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Few drug treatment centers in Los Angeles have as rich of a history as the Gooden Center. In fact, you can see glimpses of it in the historic buildings in the Gooden Center compound.

Alcoholism Rehab CenterLocation

The Gooden Center is located in the heart of Pasadena, a former resort town with a history that runs even deeper than the center itself. Not only is it a place for rehabilitation and healing, it is also a starting point to discover a rich culture.

A short distance away from the Gooden Center you can find the Pasadena Museum of California Art and the USC Pacific Asia Museum. The Pasadena Playhouse, a theater with a history the goes back as far as 1917, is also just two blocks away. Also within the vicinity of the treatment center are Old Town Pasadena for restaurants and shopping as well as the Central Park.

The location of our facility provides patients with the opportunity to explore an interesting city and get involved in fun hobbies and activities outside of treatment. Exposure to the arts such as going to a museum or a theatre as well as other activities can be beneficial to therapy and provide an opportunity for patients to connect with each other.

Patient Success

Most importantly, the Gooden Center has an excellent history of patients experiencing recovery and improvement. Since Bishop Gooden and his friends opened up the center in 1962, over 8,000 men have received treatment and made full recoveries.

In fact, many of our alumni still return to the facility because they want to give back and be a part of what we are doing for the community. Many of them serve as mentors for current clients. Others raise funds or awareness towards drug or alcohol addiction in their own communities. Sometimes our alumni just gather to catch up and to share tips and struggles with maintaining a sober lifestyle. Those who have found their lives again through drug treatment centers in Los Angeles want to share it with others and return to the place where their new lives began.

The post What Sets Gooden Center Apart appeared first on The Gooden Center.


Friday 7 April 2017

Guide to Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Living with any type of mental illness can be challenging and each person experiences their own personal struggle with understanding how handle their symptoms. Bipolar disorder can be an especially complex and difficult illness to live with for people who have not had the opportunity to get the professional help and medication they need. Some people may exhibit symptoms of bipolar disorder for a long time without understanding that they have this mental illness. Many mistakenly believe that they have major depression because bipolar disorder can overlap with many of these symptoms. However, once an individual is diagnosed with bipolar disorder it is crucial that they receive professional treatment and care so that they can do everything possible to minimize symptoms and prevent the illness from interfering with their daily routine.  As long as a person learns to properly manage their symptoms, it is possible to live a normal life with bipolar disorder.

What is Bipolar Disorder?What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is also more commonly known as manic depression because it is a mental illness with two distinct phases with radically different symptoms. People with bipolar disorder experience extreme highs and lows as well as drastic changes in their thinking, behavior, energy and sleep. Bipolar disorder typically consists of periods of time in which specific symptoms occur including a manic phase which is often followed by a depressive phase. During a period of mania, an individual can feel overly happy and energized or even excessively confident. Periods of mania can often lead to reckless behavior and impulsive actions that cause harm such as wild shopping sprees or gambling. In a depressive state, someone with bipolar disorder will be more lethargic and experience sad feelings for weeks or even months. They will exhibit symptoms during this phase that coincide very closely with major depression disorder but will eventually their mood will swing back to mania.

Identifying Mania in Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

If you are not sure if you or someone you love might have bipolar disorder then there are certain signs and symptoms that can indicate the illness. In periods of mania, someone with bipolar disorder will seem to have infinite energy and might sleep very little. They might also talk excessively and seem intensely excited or happy but have difficulty focusing and concentrating on tasks. They could have rapid mood changes as they go from being joyful to suddenly becoming extremely irritable, angry and hostile. People in a manic phase may also become delusional and grandiose, talking about and believing things that are not true and they are unable to be convinced otherwise. They might engage in very impulsive actions as a result of their unrealistic thinking and even have hallucinations where they see and hear things that are not there. They can also have an increased sex drive which might cause them to engage in risky sexual behavior.

Depressive Bipolar Symptoms

Someone who has bipolar disorder is likely to have both symptoms of mania and depression. You will need to identify the patterns of their mood changes and if you notice dramatic shifts then pay close attention to their symptoms. During a period of depression, someone with bipolar disorder might seem sad and hopeless or talk negatively about themselves. They will have much less energy than they would during a manic phase, often oversleeping and spending a loDepressive Bipolar Symptomst of time in bed or on the couch. They might become withdrawn and stop being involved in activities that they usually enjoy. Throughout the depression period they might frequently cry, have thoughts of suicide or even attempt suicide in more serious cases. You might notice that they go through a sudden weight loss or gain due to extreme changes in their appetite. As with a manic episode, depression symptoms can last for a period of weeks up to several months before shifting back to a more energetic state.

Understanding Bipolar Disorder Types

While bipolar disorder is a more general term encompassing people with symptoms of mania and depression there are actually different types of the disorder. People can fall into the categories of having bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder which includes milder mania episodes or cyclothymic disorder which involves shorter episodes. Within these different types people may have symptoms that include “mixed features” meaning they experience opposite moods simultaneously rather than separately in distinct phases. Some people with bipolar disorder may also experience “rapid cycling” meaning they have as many as four or more mood episodes within the period of a year. This pattern of rapid cycling can occur at any point within the course of the illness although it typically happens later in the lifetime of the individual rather than when the disorder first begins developing. It is helpful to get a professional diagnosis to determine what type of bipolar disorder you may have.

Type 2 Bipolar and Cyclothymic Disorder

Although the disorder always includes similar symptoms and drastic mood swings, bipolar I disorder is the most severe form of the illness. Someone with type 1 bipolar will have more intense episodes that last for months at a time. Type 2 bipolar disorder includes symptoms of severe depression and episodes of what is called hypomania which basically is a less severe form of mania. Someone with hypomanic episodes will still have an elevated mood, more energy and a decreased need for sleep but they lack some of the psychotic features that can occur with mania such as delusional thinking and hallucinations. People with hypomania also find it easier to function socially in spite of their episodes and they might not have to take time off work or be hospitalized at any point. Cyclothymic disorder includes brief periods of hypomania and brief periods of depression but they are not as severe or long lasting as the other types of bipolar disorder.

Causes of Bipolar Disorder

Even though the exact cause of bipolar disorder is not entirely known or understood, there are certain factors that can interact and play a role in the onset and progression of the illness. Currently, bipolar disorder is considered a primarily neurological issue which occurs because of a malfunction of chemicals in the brain including serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline. People may have this neurological issue but it lies dormant until it is activated by certain stressors or events causing the disorder to develop. One of the major factors in someone developing bipolar disorder is a genetic predisposition because of family members such as parents and grandparents having a mood disorder. If one parent has a mood disorder then a child has a 10 to 15 percent greater chance of developing bipolar disorder. Environmental factors can also play a role such as traumatic life events triggering the onset of the illness or drug abuse causing a milder disorder to worsen over time.Causes of Bipolar Disorder

Can Bipolar Disorder be Cured?

When you have been diagnosed with an illness like bipolar disorder you might wonder how the illness will affect your life in the long term and whether you can eventually eliminate the symptoms completely. Most in the medical field would agree that bipolar disorder is a chronic illness because it is biologically based and caused by issues in the brain. That means when a person is diagnosed with bipolar disorder it will most often be a lifelong illness. However, most of the symptoms can be effectively managed through treatment, therapy and medication so that people with bipolar disorder can still function in daily life. Because one of the main causes of bipolar disorder is due to chemical imbalances in the brain, medication can actually be very helpful in stabilizing a person’s mood as long as they are able to find the right medication that works for them. Psychotherapy is helpful in minimizing some of the effects of severe mood swings so that patients can better handle episodes when they occur.

Finding Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it is important that you get the treatment necessary to reduce the symptoms. There are many different kinds of treatment centers that can offer programs geared specifically for people suffering from this disorder. For those with very severe symptoms they have the option of staying in a residential treatment facility to get access to care every day alongside others dealing with the same issues. Inpatient care can be an effective way at getting people back on track if their illness has caused a lot of harm in their life and affected their job or relationships. People with bipolar disorder may benefit from having time away from the stresses of daily life to focus on managing the symptoms of their illness. Those with less severe symptoms can choose to live at home and receive outpatient treatment in the form of medication and individual therapy sessions from a qualified psychologist.

Types of Medication for Bipolar Disorder

There are numerous options available in terms of medication to treat bipolar disorder and new drugs are researched and introduced all the time. Finding the right medication can be challenging at first but eventually you and your doctor will be able to determine what works best to reduce your symptoms. The types of medications used for treatment include lithium, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, calcium channel blockers, benzodiazepines and antidepressants. With such a slew of different drugs available it can take some adjustments and even combinations of a few medications to get the necessary results for each individual. Some medications may have undesirable side effects and patients will want to try something else that affects them less. The goal of medication is to stabilize their mood and reduce symptoms of both mania and depression with minimal side effects.

Benefits of Bipolar Disorder TherapyTherapy Bipolar Treatment

Once a patient finds the right medication to help keep them more stable, they will be ready to focus on the work they need to do in psychotherapy. Whether you are staying in residential treatment or simply taking sessions through a private practice, individual therapy is one of the keys to learning how to manage bipolar disorder. Living through multiple episodes of extreme ups and downs can create a lot of confusion and mental stress. One of the goals of treatment is helping people understand their own disorder, get to know their triggers and figure out the best methods to minimize symptoms. Therapists can help a patient identify certain behavior changes that may signal the onset of an episode. Once you can predict an episode and understand the types of stressors that trigger them you will be better equipped to reduce their severity and length. In therapy you can educate yourself about your own disorder and learn to adapt so that you can live with bipolar disorder without it controlling you.

Methods of Treating Bipolar Disorder

The major components of addressing symptoms of bipolar disorder are medication and psychotherapy but there are other methods that can be included in treatment to help ease symptoms. In most residential treatment centers they will offer group therapy or support group meetings to patients so that they can talk about living with this disorder among people with the same issues. Support groups help people feel less alone with their illness and it is a place where they can receive encouragement, talk about important issues and hear useful advice from people with personal experience. In treating most mental illnesses a healthier diet and regular exercise can be an additional method of stabilizing a patient’s mood. Establishing a healthy routine including nutritious food, fitness and a regular sleep pattern can be very helpful in managing the disorder.

Managing Symptoms After Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Since bipolar disorder is a chronic illness, even after completing a treatment program most people still need to find ways to manage their symptoms. They can continue attending support groups, maintain a regular therapist or find certain activities that help them cope with their disorder. It is important to avoid any drug or alcohol use when you have bipolar disorder especially if you are taking medication. Drug use can exacerbate symptoms and cause more problems in the long run. The key to managing bipolar disorder is staying as healthy as possible, being able to identify triggers and following the advice of your doctor. With treatment and care anyone with bipolar disorder can work, go to school, maintain relationships and live a normal and satisfying life.

The post Guide to Bipolar Disorder Treatment appeared first on The Gooden Center.
